While the ego acquires, Pure Being is total surrender. When we are present to being, which is natural to living, we are sensing more deeply the life that we are. We therefore sense a joyful vitality. Doing still appears within the field of being of course however it is no longer at the forefront at a mental level. We appreciate the backdrop of the sense of "I am" through which all the forms of life appear and disappear. Form is thought, mental images that we may call memory, emotion, awakening energies, visions and powers, and the content of the present moment, including the body.
Thoughts come and go, while emotions rise and fall. Life experiences change and all the while, we are aware of the joyous being that is Life. Pure Being is the only permanent factor in all impermanent experience. When we do not attend the Essence of being, we are pulled into the mental realm and once again identify with form. In this, we suffer. When we consciously rest as being, we are free of form and appreciate the bliss of sacredness.
Katie Davis Website www.katiedavis.org
Thoughts come and go, while emotions rise and fall. Life experiences change and all the while, we are aware of the joyous being that is Life. Pure Being is the only permanent factor in all impermanent experience. When we do not attend the Essence of being, we are pulled into the mental realm and once again identify with form. In this, we suffer. When we consciously rest as being, we are free of form and appreciate the bliss of sacredness.
Katie Davis Website www.katiedavis.org
Katie, I would like to deepen in this sense of I am. Any suggestions?
Welcome, Chris. The first pointer is to realize that you already ARE and any attempt to move deeper is actually a step away. Simply be still and aware. In the purest sense, you are already that which is seeking. The only obscuration is the separate sense of self and its compulsive thinking. Thought identification requires time and time is tantamount to the mind. When we are intensely present, the "I" thought does not arise or project from the still Heart. It may help to be aware of your breathing to be more present. For instance, as you are reading this right now, notice how delicate the air feels as it moves in and out your nose ... now notice that there is no thought. Effortlessly, you are more deeply aware that you ARE.
Could you you explain what you mean by total surrender?
Surrender is your natural state that is actually free of all states. Surrender or we could say freedom is who you inherently are and we have an ease in living. When we are not present to the stillness within, when are not being stillness, compulsive thought arises. That "I" thought and all of the other thoughts that follow have pulling power. Our attention shifts from our natural openess and we find ourselves identified with thought. Suddenly, the ease of living becomes the struggle. When we realize that we have "lost" presence and are abiding in the mental realm within time, we just let go or surrender. It is not that there is a doer who does surrender. Rather, we just stop and be still. In this stopping, we regain the freedom that we actually never lost. Freedom is always here underneath our thinking, under our emotions, underneath every-thing. When we simply stop to be still, we rest in total surrender and joy emerges.
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