Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Are So Beautiful ... ~ Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy

You are so beautiful ... this knowing, glowing, bliss ...

So radiant ... complete ... so full that it is overflowing ...

Asking always for the impossibility of its speaking.

Or kindly requesting for a word to be written that couldn't possibly contain it.

Nonetheless, just underneath the words, the river flows.

Even the mind is attracted to such writing, but will never know why.

Bliss speaks at the depth, whether one is conscious of it or not.

Writing as the mind is always one dimensional and flat. Pick up a book and without reading a word, we can sense who has written on the pages inside.

I swear writing is more like a bliss trick.

It captures the eye and its attention, while bliss is consuming all that remains just underneath.

Then suddenly, without cause, the Lotus bursts into full bloom ...

1 comment:

Mary said...

SO beautiful, Katie - thank you!
