Sunday, December 14, 2008

Katie Davis Published In Star People in Tokyo, Japan ~ Author, Awake Joy

Katie Davis Website:
Katie Davis Official Daily Blog: Awake by Katie at

Katie Davis, author, Awake Joy is just published in Star People Magazine in Autumn 2008 Volume 27. This beautiful 128 page publication is published by Natural Spirit, Inc in Tokyo Japan with a lovely quality, durable cover, full color and heavy glossy paper throughout. Every page includes interviews and spirituality articles from master guides and spirituality messengers from around the world and Hawaii.

The two page spread by Katie Davis includes a Japanese translation of her article "The Adoration of Enlightenment" plus an interview and biographical information.

Also included are others such as Amma, Alan Cohen, Brandon Bays, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Chris Griscom and a long list of others who offer the Essence of Spirituality with beautiful articles such as One Ocean, One People by Kanako Uchino.

Katie Davis has been invited to offer satsang in Tokyo, Japan in 2009. If you know people who speak Japanese, please let them know that Star People for Ascension 2012 is now available at:

Amazon Japan - Star People

Natural Spirit, Inc - Star People

Awake Joy by Katie Davis is now available at Amazon Japan:

Amazon Japan - Awake Joy

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