Friends of the Heart April Issue is published.
In This Issue:
"Mediterranean Silent Retreat" and Satsang
Katie Davis and Sundance Burke
SILENT RETREAT is an opportunity to step out of daily activities and profoundly rest as deep silence. This stillness is the aliveness that is already within you, untouched by the ego, its time and suffering. This is an extraordinary chance to realize the Heart that you genuinely are at the core of being through being present, deep resting and Self-inquiry ...(continue reading)
"Who Is Looking?" by Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy
WE HAVE FOUR essential tools to realize who we really are. The first is sensing and conscious breathing, to get out of our heads and consciously in our bodies. This first basic step will spontaneously lead us to a second fundamental step, which is shifting from the time-based mind into the refuge of our timelessness or what we might refer to as presence. The third elemental tool is the most ... (continue reading)
"Who Is Witnessing the Dream? by Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit
IF YOU ACCEPT only the feeling-sense underlying and supporting "I am" and abide as pure Being, you will realize that your life is only a dream. Be the witnessing presence and do not allow the mind to tempt you into the wild goose chase of seeking your Self through imagination. With simple awareness, you can observe the thinking mind and what it's up to! You can watch the train of thoughts ... (continue reading)
"You Are So Beautiful" by Katie Davis, Awake by Katie Blog
YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL ... this knowing, glowing, bliss; So radiant ... complete ... so full that it is overflowing; Always asking for the impossibility of its speaking ... or kindly requesting for a word to be written that could not possibly contain it ... (continue reading)
"Maui Satsang, Oahu Satsang and Live Worldwide Broadcasts"
Sundance Burke and Katie Davis
Worldwide LIVE Broadcasts with Sundance Burke or Katie Davis with call ins from viewers and interview by Richard Miller from Chicago's Never Not Here Television Show. Tune in worldwide from your computer ... (continue reading)
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Free monthly published articles on awakening, oneness, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization.
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