Puget Sound Satsang ~ Washington State
Invitation to: Seattle Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Eastside Satsang, Eastside Presence and Washington Satsang.
Satsang with Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit
Five Regular Satsang, Three Silent Joy Satsang, Private Satsang
July-August 2009
This Seattle Eastside Puget Sound Satsang Series is "progressive" in nature. To fully benefit from this opportunity, we invite and encourage your attendance at all sessions from the beginning of the series to the end.
No registration is required to attend satsang and you are also welcome to drop in as you wish. If possible, please attend the first in the series that is the overview and invitation.
This passage is inevitable and unavoidable. Are you prepared? Instead of misunderstanding, doubt, confusion, fear and detours, there can be right understanding, harmony and focus.
For locations and to confirm dates before attending or to confirm the content of each satsang, please visit:
Regular satsang is on Sundays at 4 PM for two hours, 20-25 minute meditation (silent sitting), a focused talk on this week's content, questions, sharing and music.
Silent Joy Satsang is on Thursdays at 7:00 PM for one hour, totally silent. Participants enter, be and leave in silence as radiant stillness.
Please arrive 15 minutes early and enter in silence. Sundance and Katie begin meditation early and you are welcome to join them.
Sunday, July 12, 4:00-6:00 PM, Regular Satsang, Overview and Invitation
Thursday, July 16, 7:00-8:00 PM Silent Joy Satsang
Sunday, July 19, 4:00-6:00 PM, Regular Satsang, Self-observer as a Reference Point
Thursday, July 23, 7:00-8:00 PM, Silent Joy Satsang
Sunday, July 26, 4:00-6:00 PM, Regular Satsang, "I am and Self-inquiry"
No events or private appointments July 30-August 7
Sunday, August 9, 4:00 PM, Regular Satsang, "I am the witness only"
Thursday, August 13, 7:00-8:00 PM, Silent Joy Satsang
Sunday, August 16, 4:00-8:00 PM, Regular Satsang
"Enlightenment vs. Self-realization," "Integration and Awake Living"
Celebration of Life" Pot Luck (please consult schedule)
An expanded and complete description of each satsang is available at:
Private Satsang with Katie Davis or Sundance Burke
July 14-August 15 (no private satsangJuly 30-August 7)
Schedule now at www.KatieDavis.org/Private.html
Schedule now at www.SundanceBurke.org/Private.html
Other Calendar Dates of Interest:
Saturday, October 24, 2:30 PM ~ Keynote Presenter, Katie Davis, "Awake Joy"
Body Soul & Spirit Expo, Vancouver BC Convention Center
Sunday, October 25, 11:00-3:00 PM ~ Katie Davis, "Awake Joy" Intensive
Featured Seminar, Body Soul & Spirit Expo, Vancouver BC Convention Center
Magnificence! Silent Retreat and Satsang, Maui Hawaii
February 11-16, 2010, Private and Lavish Spa Estate
"As a long time student of Papaji and Gangaji and the many teachers that have come to Boulder, please accept my deepest pranams for one of the most memorable teachings I have personally received in the last 18 years. Sundance and Katie make a great team. Their humor, love and deep caring were expressed so easily. The meditation was amazing. Their quiet and gentle approach awakened in a simple way the wonder of the non-dual presence. I look forward to be invited into this timeless embrace with them again." ~ Chandra, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Includes: (9 satsang), (4 Silent Joy Satsang), yoga with internationally acclaimed Meenakshi Angel Honig, Still Room, Seclusion, 50 foot Saltwater Lap Pool, Sauna, Ultraviolet, Jacuzzi, Private Vegetarian Chef,"Break the Silence" at Maui Sunrise, Molokini and Turtle Town Social Cruise, Private or Shared Rooms and Cottages.
Available: Spa and Body Care Treatments, Additional Private Yoga Sessions
All Events, Meetings and Satsang Schedule 2009-2010 at:
Other Satsang & Silent Retreat Dates:
Mediterranean Retreat September 16-20
Conscious TV, London, September 23
Satsang in Bristol, September 24-26
Satsang in London, September 30, October 1, 4
Satsang in Paris (Dates Soon)
Katie Davis Website: www.KatieDavis.org
Sundance Burke Website: www.SundanceBurke.org
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