"As a long time student of Papaji and Gangaji and the many teachers that have come to Boulder, please accept my deepest pranams for one of the most memorable teachings I have personally received in the last 18 years. You and Sundance make a great team. Your humor, love and deep caring were expressed so easily. The meditation was amazing. Your quiet and gentle approach awakened in a simple way the wonder of the non-dual presence. I look forward to be invited into this timeless embrace with you again." ~ Chandra, Boulder, Colorado, USA
SILENT NON-DUALITY RETREAT with Sundance Burke and Katie Davis is an opportunity to surrender the ego, dissolve the pain body and realize the Heart that you genuinely are at the core of being through being present, deep resting and the Self-inquiry teachings of Ramana Maharshi, and then to fully embody this essential Truth.
Gathering together for an extended period in the frequency of true satsang, you may realize the conscious freedom and causeless joy that is endlessly available through spiritual awakening, enlightenment and Self-realization.
After arrival at the retreat center on Wednesday afternoon, we will begin observing silence after dinner at the first satsang. During our delicious vegetarian meals together, we will also observe conversational silence. On Sunday morning after our last satsang, we will break the silence and socially enjoy our last lunch before departure Sunday afternoon.
We will gather for two 2 hour satsang sessions most days with talks, deep resting, music and you will have an opportunity to ask questions, share and be spiritual friends.
The entire retreat center is reserved for only our retreat and is located in a beautiful, tranquil and natural setting on the Mediterranean Sea.
SPACE IS LIMITED TO 40 PEOPLE. Registration opens soon.
Registration, location, more information and retreat center photos will be available soon at:
Katie Davis Satsang Schedule www.KatieDavis.org/Schedule.html
KATIE DAVIS is author of "Awake Joy" and awakened spontaneously and radically in 1986.
Katie Davis Website www.KatieDavis.org
SUNDANCE BURKE is author of "Free Spirit" and awakened in 1982 with his teachers Satoshi (Osho/Nisdargadatta influence) and Shunyata, named the Rare Born Mystic by his friend Ramana Maharshi, one of the most cherished sages of modern day India.
Sundance Burke Website www.SundanceBurke.org
SUNDANCE AND KATIE are married and met in 1988. They have been traveling to share Truth since 1999. Their friend, Eckhart Tolle, encouraged them to teach and in 2000, encouraged them to write their new books that published in 2004. While pragmatic and western world, Sundance and Katie's teachings are consistent with the Heart of Advaita.
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