Wednesday, July 30, 2008

NeverNotHere - Sundance and Katie - Love of Being - Never Not Here Show by ClearSightTV, Free Videos (7 minutes)

NeverNotHere - Never Not Here Show: Sundance Burke, author, Free Spirit ( and Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy ( point to the Love of Being associated with spiritual awakening and enlightenment on the Never Not Here Show by ClearSightTV. Enjoy the Free Videos libraries at the authors' websites or at

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Katie Davis - The Only Essential Question - Free Video, Author, Awake Joy (7 minute video) - Never Not Here Show by ClearSightTV Katie Davis, author, Awake Joy, refers to The Only Essential Question for spiritual awakening and enlightenment; who am I really? She outlines Self-inquiry on the Never Not Here Show. Enjoy the video library at Free Videos at

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sundance Burke Speaks on 'Wholeness' from Advaita Satsang Teacher and Author of Free Spirit

Sundance Burke, author, Free Spirit and Advaita satsang teachers speaks on 'Wholeness' on the Never Not Here Show by ClearSight TV.

This a segment of a one hour show that may be enjoyed at in the Free Videos library.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Waking Up Out of Time, A Dialogue with Katie Davis

I am older and I have just come to these awareness/now writings. I have been searching for a long time, maybe looking to improve something about myself, but I have not done much about it. My family deals with depression and I came to your website to help find a way to help. I suggest to keep in the present. I would love to hear from you.

The older that the body seems to become, the more and more past there seems to be. Depending upon our experience of the past, there may be life situations that we wish would have been different. There is simply nothing that can change past circumstances to be other than they were. In therapy, we could spend years in discussion of those situations and improve our relationship with our memories and through forgiveness, we might improve our imagined relationship with the people who were involved with the circumstances.

However, the truth of the matter is those circumstances are no longer here. A past fixation actually only perpetuates the pain. Similar to a computer, we might be able to change the programming with better programs and relative happiness might improve somewhat. Alas, all we would have then is a relatively better psychological relationship with people and circumstances that are no longer. 

Plus which, that “relatively happier” feeling would still cycle back into relatively sadder and then over time once again cycle to relatively happier. We have lived a long time by now and we recognize the cycling back and forth seems to be endless and hopeless, which may cause chronic depression in cadence with our compulsive thinking.

Or perhaps there is a future fixation that is being worried about with great anxiety. We take the past and project more of the same into the future. “If only things had been different, then the future would be brighter." That future fixation only creates more pain. Just as the past is not here, the future can not be seen other than within our imagination. Some may imagine a pleasant future, still causing anxiety. Others imagine a problematic future, based on our past experience.

The extraordinary opportunity that is presenting itself to you right now is to wake up out of time. We have been compulsively thinking for a lifetime, but just like any other habit, we can free ourselves from it. We are free of time! Initially, our compulsive thinking totally obscures the present moment. We get carried away on a train of thought and we are no longer present with what is.

In the past, we used to think that outside circumstances caused our emotional state. If we can become present to our thinking, we realize that it is our own judgment of outside circumstances that causes our emotional reactions. Someone does something, we judge it (think) and then our body reacts with anger or sadness. Our own thoughts are causing the pain. In other words, the suffering is self-inflicted.

To be free of compulsive thinking, we do not try to stop thinking. Instead, we become very present and observe them. When we are in attention to thought, these thoughts cannot use us. The thoughts are actually harmless unless you identify with them. In identification with a thought, we suddenly become the thinker and we shift into a volume of problematic thinking that causes us to spiral down into negativity.

To be totally present, it is helpful to use our body and its sensing. The physical body is part of the content of the present moment. The body is never in the past and it virtually is never in the future. It is consistently and always here and now. So when you realize that you have been riding a train of thought. We stop and get off the train! We do this by attending the sensing.

Do you hear anything right now? Do you see something lovely? While you are walking outside, instead of compulsively thinking, how does it smell? What does the wind feel like as it brushes your face? You will notice that the instant that you shift out of time and thinking into sensing in the present moment, we regain a certain lightness.

Another good tool to shift out of thought and its time is to concentrate on breathing. Even right now as you are reading these words, how delicate is the air when it moves in and out of your nose. Just take a moment now to be with your breathing. No effort is required. It is happening by itself. You will also notice that while you are with your breathing, you cannot think. You have shifted out of time and its suffering to being present here and now as you breathe.

When you practice being present in this manner, slowly we become more and more present in a more and more consistent manner to the present moment. We become more alive! Our senses become more vibrant. We are centered in aliveness rather than the mind and all of its thinking.

Katie Davis Website:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nisargadatta Maharaj: On Time, Space, Happiness ~ Katie Davis Blog

Nisargadatta Maharaj:

Once you accept time and space as real, you consider yourself minute and short-lived. But are they real? Do they depend on you, or you on them? As body, you are in space. As mind, you are in time. But are you mere body with a mind in it? Have you ever investigated?


I had neither the motive nor the method.

Nisargadatta Maharaj:

I am suggesting both. But the actual work of insight and detachment (viveka - vairagya) is yours.


The only motive I can perceive is my own causeless and timeless happiness. And what is the method?

Nisargadatta Maharahj:

Happiness is incidental. The true and effective motive is love. You see people suffer and you seek the best way of helping them. The answer is obvious - first put yourself beyond the need of help. Be sure your attitude is of pure goodwill, free of expectation of any kind. Those who seek mere happiness may end up in sublime indifference, while love will never rest.

As to method, there is only one - you must come to know yourself - both what you appear to be and what you are. Clarity and charity go together - each needs and strengthens the other.

Katie Davis Website:

Katie Davis Websites ~ Updated

You are invited to enjoy our new websites at, and All three websites offer free awakening videos with Advaita satsang videos, talks and television and radio interviews with beautiful slide shows and music.

The Friends of the Heart Newsletter with articles by Sundance and Katie on non-duality, Advaita, enlightenment, meditation and awake living is now available on all three websites.

In addition, you may enjoy published articles from magazines and newspapers, biographies for Katie Davis, author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, author, Free Spirit; information about scheduling a private appointment, a great photo gallery that chronicles Sundance and Katie's two month travels with Eckhart Tolle on his first Power of Now Tour and Sundance and Katie's Awake Joy and Free Spirit Tour 2008; Advaita and non-dual event testimonials, an event schedule with upcoming events in Seattle, Portland, Boulder, Ridgway, Telluride, Carlsbad and LA; and Sundance's WiseCracks for light-hearted wisdom.

At and, you will also find information about Advaita Vedanta and Advaita Satsang and at the Store, their new hardbound books are available as well as the Heart of Life e-book by Katie Davis. There is information at Awakening Groups about who to contact locally for meditation programs, book clubs, video groups and conference and event organizers. If you have an awakening group, the listings are free. On the websites, you may also directly access Katie's blog at the and

A complete list of Advaita and awakening links to teachers, artists, musicians, poets and organizations helps you access additional resources for awakening to life's purpose.

Finally, the Contact pages on each website shares how to contact Awake in order to host an event or Advaita Satsang in your area or how to schedule an appointment.


Katie Davis Website:

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Conflict or Perfect Peace by Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy


I am looking for some type of hope or some encouraging words. As this war continues, it is depressing and disheartening. I want to be hopeful, but there is so much suffering. Do you have any advice or encouragement about how to deal with war and the related discomfort? Any message at all would help.


From your current reference point, that of the "dreaming I," you believe that you are limited to the body/mind. From that reference point, the world is but a mirror that is reflecting the delusions of the misidentified state of consciousness. "Dreaming I" is under the assumption that it is separated from the Heart; supreme intelligence and unconditional love. Within that unattainable separation is the pain gap. It may sound radical, but nonetheless, suffering is not in the world. The suffering is within you. Therefore, the only answer for enduring world peace is the awakening and to continue that journey to Self-realization. In this, we realize that we are perfect peace. With full embodiment, we are "our beautiful world" that is pure consciousness and free of suffering. The mirror can only clear by realizing the illumined mind and still heart.

Regarding your question, pointers can help you to be more present in the life situation and with this, the possibility of awakening draws near. Whether war in the world or the everyday conflict that you experience in relationships, the cause and effect are identical. In the world-mirror, we are currently noticing massive human suffering. We are able to look directly at the insanity and madness caused by ignorance and unconsciousness. Could the mirror be pointing it out and stating it any more clearly than it is?!

When we believe that the world appearance can "make" us suffer, we are not taking responsibility and we are giving away our true power. We are then hopelessly tossed about by the waves of emotion in constant reaction to the life situation. My first pointer is to continue self-observation. Based on the past, you will find that your own conditioned thoughts and judgments about the war are the cause of your depression. Watch your thoughts and notice that when you indentify with them, you suffer. If you watch thought, it is impossible to identify with it. Without identification, the emotional reaction does not occur. I am not asking you to get involved with the thoughts and process them. I am asking you to simply watch them and stand free. Thoughts are not the problem; identification with them causes suffering.

During this self-observation, you soon meet what Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth and Power of Now, calls the "pain body;" the apparent void of collective suffering. As Eckhart Tolle explains, when the collective pain body rises up, it uses us and feeds on more pain and therefore gains strength. Instead of fueling it, we can allow the emotion to be as it is, while resting as stillness. In this, a natural transmutation occurs as the pain is transformed into love. However, if you find yourself spiraling deeper and deeper into the suffering, invite it in to explore. I am not suggesting that you act it out, but find out whether the pain body ultimately exists in the core of your being or whether in the end, it is an illusion. Taking this as a concept is not the remedy. This discovery must be direct and the investigation is required. Otherwise, the pain body will resurface time and again to either be fueled or freed.

When you are ready to explore the absolute Truth that is prior to thought, emotion and form, we begin the exploration of what is prior to the "dreaming I" and its objects. We shift beyond awakening and enter the adventure of Self-realization. Through direct Self-inquiry, we realize who this "dreaming I" truly is. My new book, Awake Joy, guides beyond ego to the awakening, but it also completes the journey, as does Sundance's new book, Free Spirit. An Advaita expert and scholar of Advaita scriptures, Dennis Waite, shared that Sundance's presentation of Self-inquiry is the clearest and most complete guide that he has ever read.

In closing, you are not separate from that which is occurring. You are That within which the act of war or no war is occurring. By focusing on who you are, instead of taking sides, you are conscious freedom. Taking sides is part of the war. The concept of conditional peace is opposing the concept of war. In other words, hating war is the same hatred that is being acted out in the violence on the battlefield. Hate begets hate. We do not identify with either polarity. Perfect peace is transcendent of war and transcendent of relative peace. Resistance does not bring about change. Resistance perpetuates whatever you are resisting. Surrender is key.

You mentioned that you wanted to be hopeful. Honestly, hope is not required and this is the truth. Hope is a future endeavor; a better tomorrow. You do not need more time to be the perfect peace that you are right now. We have only to become conscious of what is within us now, but buried beyond all of the false ideas of the intellect. ~ Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy

Friday, July 11, 2008

Passion for the Sacred ~ Sonjan

Beloved Sonjan ... Passion for the Sacred ... the Heart is singing this poetry ... soaring ... in its stillness. I am grateful for this poem, lovely music and imagery. Thank you for this lovely video!

Sonjan is author of Delicious Silence and other ecstatic poetry books. In-Joy!

Katie Davis,

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Who Is Weary? I Am. Who am I? ~ Dialogues with Katie Davis

I am calling because I feel tired and weary. I just don't think that I am ever going to get it! I keep getting carried away by these emotional dramas and it is exhausting. I have been on this path a long time and I am totally frustrated!
I suppose that we could begin by being Quiet …
I would like you to take a moment and just close your eyes. No effort, just relaxing, just simply being. Observe how delicate the air feels as it effortlessly and naturally comes and goes through your nose ...
Notice the aliveness within the body. Go ahead, could you notice that now?
Now, take a look around the room you are sitting in ...

Are you noticing the space in the room, listening to the space ... the silence. Listen with every cell of your body.

(long pause)

While I am speaking, I would like you to simply be aware of your breathing. Is it possible to just be the silence and spaciousness through which these words flow? Being silence, can we allow these live words to rise and simply welcome them back to the silence ... dropping back into who we are. In other words, we honor the Quiet, the stillness, that we are. We have no identification or attachment with our thoughts or concepts. Do you see?
This is like a meditation ... except you are speaking ...
Yes, we are in meditation; listening and noticing; just allowing the movenment of words while remaining quiet and still ...
There are many, many pathways that ascend this mountain to spiritual realization, but we are all traversing the same mountain. At the summit, we are left with one remaining essential question, “Who am I?”
When you first called, you said, "I am tired and weary." Who is that? Who are you when you say that? Remember, you are just breathing and conscious now of the words as you speak ... still a meditation.
... well, that was the ego ... I see that now ... and it is the body that is tired ...
So the way that you are saying that, you are aware that you are not the body? I noticed that you did not say "my" body.
Right now, I am totally aware that I am not the body. I am ...
When you say "I am," who is that? Will you ask this question, "Who am I?" You are still aware of your breathing and just ask this question. We are not looking for a mental reply, meaning another thought in replay ... such as the word "I." Relaxed and just noticing, watching, breathing, ask "Who am I?"
(long silence) ... and then barely audible, "calm peace."
This calm peace is consistently everywhere that you are. In fact, you are this perfect peace. When we get lost in "doing" we tend to fall unconscious of thought. In this, we identify with thoughts without being conscious of the fact and suddenly, we find the body tired and weary. This weariness is from identification with thought, not the circumstances in the life situation. Do you see this? Misidentification with compulsive thought is tiresome and it makes the body feel weary.
The thought itself is not problematic. It is just another powerless thought ... a meditation. However, when we are not present, when we forget that we are always in meditation, then we suffer.
Even that is not problematic. Sooner or later, you notice the unease. Then, it is time to do the work. How difficult is it to just ask the question, "Who is weary?" The answer will always be the "I" that thinks that it is the ego-body. The correct answer then is "I am." Then, one step further, doing the work, you ask, "Who am I?" ... and you are back as perfect peace.
Instead, many times, we fall into storyline. Instead of doing the work, the "ego" judges and thinks, "I am never going to get it!"
Who? ... Then, Who am I?

Writings, dialogues, free awakening videos and Katie's Blog (Awake by Katie) accessible at:

Vancouver Satsang, British Columbia Satsang ~ Vancouver BC Heart Family Photo Gallery ~ Organizer Lynda Cole

Vancouver Satsang and British Columbia Satsang ~ Vancouver Heart Family Photos from Katie Davis and Sundance Burke ~ Organizer Lynda Cole of Embracing the Now.

Turn your speakers on! The photo gallery is accompanied by beautiful music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender CD,

These photos were taken after satsangs and a satsang intensive by Katie Davis and Sundance Burke that was organized by Lynda Cole of Embracing the Now. The gallery also chronicles Sundance and Katie's travels with Eckhart Tolle. They became friends with him before the Power of Now published. When it published, they were invited to travel with him for two months on his first Power of Now tour. In fact, in 2004, it was Eckhart who encouraged Sundance and Katie to write their books Awake Joy and Free Spirit.

Other Heart friends are from Seattle, Mount Rainier, Dallas, Plano, Flagstaff, Tempe, Chandler, Chicago, Highland Park and Toronto.

More information at and

In-joy!! by clicking:

Toronto Satsang, Ontario Satsang ~ Heart Family Photos ~ Organizers Paul Evans, Bharangi, Rising Sun

Ontario Satsang and Toronto Satsang ~ Heart Family Photo Gallery from Katie Davis and Sundance Burke ~ Organizer Paul Evans of Toronto Nonduality Group and Bharangi of The Rising Sun.

Turn your speakers on! The photo gallery is accompanied by beautiful music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender CD

Paul Evans planned a wonderful and fun day trip for us after our satsangs and satsang intensives and a few Heart friends joined us. The gallery has lovely photos of Niagra Falls with a full arch rainbow and a stop at the Butterfly Emporium was a highlight.

Also included are photos of Sundance and Katie's two month travels with Eckhart Tolle. They became friends before the Power of Now published. When the book published, they were invited to help of his first Power of Now Tour. In fact, in 2004, it was Eckhart who encouraged them to write Awake Joy and Free Spirit. The books just published.

Also chronicled are photos of our Hear friends in Seattle, Mount Rainier, Dallas, Flagstaff, Chicago and Vancouver BC.

In-joy!! by clicking:

More information at and

Chicago Satsang, Midwest Satsang ~ Illinois Heart Family Photos ~ Organizer Maggie, Charlie Wilkins, One Heart

Chicago Satsang and Midwest Satsang ~ Illinois Heart Family Photo Gallery by Katie Davis and Sundance Burke ~ Organizers, Maggie and Charlie Wilkins of One Heart Teachings.

Turn you speakers on! The photo gallery is accompanied with beautiful music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender Cd.

The gallery also chronicles Sundance and Katie's travels with Eckhart Tolle. They became friends with Eckhart before Power of Now was published and traveled with him on his first Power of Now tour. In fact, it was Eckhart Tolle who encouraged them to write Awake Joy and Free Spirit which just published. Also included are photos of the Heart Family in Dallas, Flagstaff, Sedona, Dallas, Tempe, Chandler, Toronto, Seattle and Vancouver BC.

In-joy! by clicking:

Sedona Satsang, Flagstaff, Tempe, Chandler, Arizona Satsang ~ Heart Family Photos ~ Organizer Richard Sink, Changing Hands, East West

Flagstaff, Sedona, Scottsdale, Tempe, Chandler, Arizona, Satsang ~ Heart Family Photo Gallery by Katie Davis and Sundance Burke. These events were organized by Richard and Wanda Sink with wonderful support from Reverend Janet Kinglsey and the Flagstaff Religious Science Church. The church hosted satsang and a weekend intensive and Sundance and Katie spoke at the Sunday morning service as well.

Turn on your speakers! The gallery is accompanied by beautiful music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender CD.

Other Arizona Heart Family Photos chronicle our events and intensives by Changing Hands in Tempe and East West Exchange in Chandler. If look carefully, you see Wanda Sink and Reverend Janet Kingsley who came down the mountain to attend another intensive with Sundance and Katie.

Other photos chronicle Sundance and Katie's travels with Eckhart Tolle on his first Power of Now Tour. They became friends before Power of Now. In fact, it was Echart who encouraged them to write Awake Joy and Free Spirit. Their books just published. The gallery also includes Heart Family photos from Seattle, Mount Rainier, Dallas, Toronto, Chicago and Vancouver BC,

In-joy! by clicking:

Dallas Satsang, Texas Satsang ~ Dallas and Plano Heart Family Photo Gallery from Sundance and Katie, Organizer Jordan Shafer, CompassionWorks

Dallas Satsang, Plano Satsang, Texas Satsang ~ Dallas and Plano Heart Family Photo Gallery from Katie Davis and Sundance Burke ~ Organizer, Jordan and Kay Shafer of CompassionWorks.

Turn your speakers on! This photo gallery is accompanied by beautiful conscious singer/songwriter and guitarist, Kirtanta, from her A Deeper Surrender Cd.

The Dallas Satsang Gallery chronicles a five day satsangs and satsang intensives with Katie Davis, author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, author, Free Spirit right before their books published.

Included in the gallery are photos their two month travel with Eckhart Tolle on his first Power of Now Tour. Sundance and Katie's 2008 tour to Chicago, Toronto, Flagstaff, Sedona, Tempe, Chandler and Vancouver BC are also recorded.

In-joy the gallery by clicking:

More information at and

Free Awakening Videos by clicking:

Seatle Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Washington Satsang, Eastside Satsang Photo Gallery

You are invited to visit the updated photo gallery from Katie Davis and Sundance Burke. Turn you speakers on! The gallery is accompanied with the beautiful music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender Cd.

The gallery captures the earliest years of Washington Satsang, when Sundance and Katie first began opening their home for satsang. Soon they were offering satsang six nights a week and then began traveling the West Coast and Southwest with their message of awakening and pointing to enlightenment.

They became friends with Eckhart Tolle before the Power of Now and in 2004, he encouraged them to write their books, Awake Joy and Free Spirit. They moved from Seattle to Maui to complete their books and they have now published.

The gallery includes photos from beautiful Mount Rainier and chronicles the Mount Rainier Retreats with Sundance and Katie.

Sundance and Katie will be offering AWAKE Right NOW! Talk in Satsang on Friday, September 12, 2008, 7-8:30 pm at East West Bookshop in Seattle. On Saturday, September 13, 10-4, they will be offering an intensive at East West. More information at and www.Sundance Visit the free awakening videos library by clicking

Enjoy the Photo Gallery by clicking

Eckhart Tolle Photos ~ Chronicles Travels of Katie Davis, Sundance Burke, Kim Eng of Eckhart Teachings with Eckhart Tolle

Enjoy the Katie Davis and Sundance Burke Photo Gallery 2000-2008. Turn on your speakers! The gallery plays music by Kirtana from her A Deeper Surrender CD.

Katie Davis and Sundance Burke met Eckhart Tolle before the Power of Now was published. When Power of Now published, they were invited to travel with Eckhart on the first Power of Now Tour for two months in Washington, Oregon, California and Arizona.

Gallery includes: Eckhart Tolle, Katie Davis and Sundance Burke at Mount Shasta in California; Eckhart Tolle, Katie Davis and Sundance Burke during a mystical moment on a park bench in the Arizona desert; Eckhart Tolle, Katie Davis, Sundance Burke, Kim Eng of Eckhart Teachings at the Beach Cafe in Santa Monica.

Katie Davis awakened in 1986 and Sundance Burke in 1982. They have been traveling to share the awakening and point to enlightenment since 2000. In 2004, they moved to Maui to write their books, Awake Joy and Free Spirit which just published and were encouraged by Eckhart Tolle.

In-Joy! Click

More information at and

Ridgway Satsang, Telluride Satsang, Ouray Satsang Retreat, Colorado Satsang and Intensive

Ridgway Satsang, Telluride Satsang, Ouray Satsang and Colorado Satsang are invited to Satsang and a Satsang Day Retreat Intensive with Katie Davis, author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, author, Free Spirit.

Free Awakening Videos at:

More information at:

Ridgway Satsang, Friday, October 3, 7:00-9:00
Satsang with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke
Ridgway Community Center in Ridgway, Colorado

Adjacent to the City Park
Donation $15-$20
Contact Travis (970) 209-1868 or

Telluride Satsang, Saturday, October 4, 4-6 pm
Satsang with Katie Davis and Sundance Bukre
Telluride Yoga Center in Telluride, Colorado
250 West Colorado Avenue, 2nd Floor Nugget Building
Donation $15-$20
Contact Travis (970) 209-1868 or

Ouray Satsang Retreat, Sunday, October 5, 11-5 pm (lunch break)
Satsang Day Retreat Intensive with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke
(For Ridgway and Telluride)
Travis Residence in Ouray, Colorado
44 Whispering Pines Drive
To register, contact Travis (970) 209-1868 or
Donation $50-$75

Ouray Private Appointments, Monday, October 6
One hour appointment with Sundance or Katie
Donation $80
To schedule, contact Travis (970) 209-1868 or

Portland Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Oregon Satsang, Seattle Satsang

Portland Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Oregon Satsang and Seattle Satsang are invited to Satsang and a Satsang Intensive with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke.

New Renaissance Bookshop Events, Portland, Oregon

Registration Opens August 10 and Space is Limited.

On Friday, September 19, 7:00-8:30 pm at New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Avenue in Portland, Oregon, Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit: A Guide to Enlightened Being, will be offering an Awake Joy and Free Spirit Satsang.

Register $12 Awake Joy and Free Spirit Satsang with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

After August 10, call New Renaissance Bookshop
(503) 224-4929

Free Awakening Videos by clicking

More information at and

Saturday, September 20, 10:30-2:30 pm, AWAKE Right NOW! Satsang Intensive, New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Ave. in Portland, Oregon

Authors Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

Register $40 AWAKE Right NOW! Satsang Intensive with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

After August 10, call New Renaissance Bookshop (503) 224-4929

Free Awakening Videos:

More information at and

New Renaissance Bookshop Events, Awake Joy and Free Spirit Talk with Authors, Katie Davis and Sundance Burke, AWAKE Right NOW! Intensive

New Renaissance Bookshop Events, Portland, Oregon

Registration Opens August 10 and Space is Limited.

On Friday, September 19, 7:00-8:30 pm at New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Avenue in Portland, Oregon, Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit: A Guide to Enlightened Being, will be offering an Awake Joy and Free Spirit Talk.

Event Description:

"Capture the joy of living in the present moment and awakening to your life’s purpose … realizing the unconditional love that you are. Katie Davis and Sundance Burke will be leading you toward a freedom beyond thought, the mind-made self and its time to realize deep harmony and peace. A life filled with joy and liberation from the ego’s emotional dramas can be a conscious reality for you right now. The keywords are conscious and now. This evening includes a meditation, talk and time for questions."

Register $12 Awake Joy and Free Spirit Talk with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

After August 10, call New Renaissance Bookshop
(503) 224-4929

Free Awakening Videos by clicking

More information at and

Saturday, September 20, 10:30-2:30 pm, AWAKE Right NOW! Intensive, New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Ave. in Portland, Oregon

Authors Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

Event Description:

"We begin by sitting in stillness with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke, followed by a talk on awakening and enlightenment. They will guide you into the inner body and freedom from the ego’s search for wholeness to realize the enduring fulfillment of the Heart. You will increase your skills in the self-observation that will free you from negative emotion and discover how to live in presence, rather than the mind’s interpretations. There will be an opportunity for questions and you will receive practices for home."

Register $40 AWAKE Right NOW! Intensive with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke

After August 10, call New Renaissance Bookshop (503) 224-4929

Free Awakening Videos:

More information at and

Seattle Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Washington Satsang, Eastside Satsang, Vancouver Satsang

Seattle Satsang, Pacific Northwest Satsang, Northwest Satsang, Washington Satsang, Eastside Satsang and Vancouver Satsang are invited to join Katie Davis and Sundance Burke in "AWAKE Right NOW!" Satsang and a Satsang Intensive.

On Friday, September 12, 7:00-8:30 pm at East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle, Washington, Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit, will be offering "AWAKE Right NOW!" Satsang. This is an introduction to the Satsang Intensive that will be the following day. Please arrive 15 minutes early and enter in silence.

At the Door: $10 (participants receive a $10 credit for the Satsang Intensive)
East West Bookshop (206) 523-3726 or (800) 587-6002

On Saturday, September 13, 10:00-4:00 pm (lunch break) Katie Davis and Sundance Burke will be offering at East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle, Washington, "AWAKE Right NOW!" Satsang Intensive. Please arrive 15 minutes early and enter in Silence.

Tickets $70 At the Door $75 ($10 credit for those who attended Fridays’s Introduction)

To register, call East West Bookshop
(206) 523-3726 or (800) 587-6002

Free Awakening Videos by clicking

More information at and

East West Bookshop, Seattle, Events, Awake Joy by Katie Davis and Free Spirit by Sundance Burke ~ AWAKE Right NOW! Talk and Intensive

On Friday, September 12, 7:00-8:30 pm at East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle, Washington, Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit: A Guide to Enlightened Being, will be offering a talk on spiritual awakening and discovering life purpose. This is an introduction to the "AWAKE Right NOW!" Intensive that will be the following day.

Event Description:

"Capture the joy of living in the present moment and awakening to your life’s purpose … realizing the unconditional love that you truly are. Authors Katie Davis and Sundance Burke will be taking the participants by the hand and leading them toward a freedom beyond the mind-made self and its time. A life filled with joy and liberation from the ego’s emotional dramas can be a conscious reality for you right now. The keywords are conscious and now."

At the Door: $10 (participants receive a $10 credit for the AWAKE Right NOW Intensive)
East West Bookshop (206) 523-3726 or (800) 587-6002

On Saturday, September 13, 10:00-4:00 pm (lunch break) Katie Davis and Sundance Burke will be offering at East West Bookshop, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE in Seattle, Washington, "AWAKE Right NOW!" Intensive.

Event Description:

"Discover the love that you are beyond the mind-made self, its problems and conflicts. We begin by sitting in stillness, followed by a talk on awakening and Self-discovery. Explore the inner body and its freedom from the ego to realize fulfillment in the Heart. Increase your skills in self-observation to transform negative emotion and learn how to live in presence, rather than the mind’s interpretations. You will have an opportunity to ask questions and practice exercises to take home.

Tickets $70 At the Door $75 ($10 credit for those who attended Fridays’s Introduction)

To register, call East West Bookshop
(206) 523-3726 or (800) 587-6002

Free Awakening Videos by clicking:

More information at and

Lahaina Barnes and Noble Free Talk and Book Signing - Awake Joy by Katie Davis, Free Spirit by Sundance Burke

On Saturday, August 9, 6:30-8:00 pm at the Lahaina Barnes and Noble, 325 Keawe in the Lahaina Gateway Center, Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit, will be offering a free talk, "Spiritual Awakening and Discovering Life Purpose." A book signing will follow their talk. We invite you to drop in and meet the authors and share the Aloha! More schedule details by clicking:

More information about Katie Davis at

More information about Sundance Burke at

Friends of the Heart July Newsletter by Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit

Enjoy the new Friends of the Heart July Newsletter by Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy, and Sundance Burke, author of Free Spirit. This issue includes a beautiful slide show entitled The Great Silence with the Whales of Argentina. Don't miss this one!

Also in this issue:

Conflict or Perfect Peace by Katie Davis

Awake Joy by Katie Davis Book Customer Reviews

Event Testimonials of Satsang with Sundance and Katie

Awareness Anonymous, A New WiseCrack from Sundance Burke

Sunset Poem by Lila (ten years old)

Swan Born Poem by Sonjan (Chris McCombs) - Never Not Here Show 30 with Sundance Burke

Mind Body Spirit Inspirational Radio Show with Sundance and Katie

The Awake Tour Schedule for 2008:

Lahaina Barnes and Noble Books, Seattle East West Bookshop, Portland New Renaissance Bookshop, Bolder Satsang, Boulder Borders Books, Ridgway Satsang, Telluride Satsang, Ouray Satsang Retreat, Carlsbad and Los Angeles (TBA).

Click - Never Not Here Show 26 with Katie Davis

Never Not Here is a Chicago Suburbs Public Access TV show on Comcast, now on channel 19 at 4:30 - 5:30 pm on Thursday afternoon at Their Tag Line is "Cultivate a habit to question the obvious". The host and producer is Richard Miller of ClearSightTV and Clear Sight Productions. This Never Not Here Show 26 with Katie Davis, author of Awake Joy, talks about self realization, awakening and enlightenment. You can enjoy all the Never Not Here Shows at Visit the Katie Davis free awakening videos library with free satsang videos, six of Never Not Here Shows with Katie Davis and Sundance Burke and free radio podcasts with slide shows and conscious music at and based on the spiritual Heart, our true reality, and meditation. Never Not Here can be a radio show too. Just turn up the volume and go about your daily chores.
To view at the Never Not Here Show 26 with Katie Davis, please click:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pure Awareness, Being Consciousness Bliss, the Fear of Death, Pointers and Practices by Katie Davis


As you have always said, I hear the call of the wild, not only the calling of Heart, but physically a call to the wilderness in the mountains. There has been much deepening and in the end, I only seem to know of less and less. I don't seem to really know anything! It doesn’t happen much any more, but sometimes I get caught up in sadness and I invite it to sit for as long as it seems to stay. Other times, a strange fear of death is playing. Instead of falling into the abyss, I am taking off for the wilderness to go camping and to just be alone. Could you offer some pointers or practices for during this time?

Katie Davis:

You are moving right to the edge of the cliff. For awhile, maybe you are feeling a bit vulnerable and precarious, but what a relief to finally say, I don't know! You don't know what you are looking at, you don’t know where you are going, and you don’t know who you are or even what is. “I don’t know.” Perfect! In this, you are sitting in the mystery, watching in wonderment as everything and everyone comes and goes; whether within or without.

We are conditioned to fixate on all of the objects that we see. Instead, letting all of the circumstances and life situations simple pass by. They appear and then they disappear. Be faithful to that flame in your Heart of all hearts.

This flame is the place of deep vigilance. It is a feeling of prayer; it is objectless worship and it is sacred. Perhaps we could call it adoration. Being vigilance is being devotion, until there is no longer any perception that there is "someone" who is separate from Truth. Be patiently and sweetly vigilant until the emotional pain body no longer has its way. You will see that you are not separate from Truth. You are the Infinite. Meet this divinity face to face … by simply being.

While you are camping alone, you will have the opportunity to observe your sleep. In a way, when we move into deep sleep, it is similar to dying and yet, we all adore it! In deep sleep, there is no point of reference (no you), no sense perceptions, not even a perception of the body. This is the bliss of deep sleep. Be aware of the many stages of consciousness as the body is going to sleep and aware of the stages as the body begins waking up. Right before the body stirs awake, the awareness that you are is purely being-consciousness-bliss; free of body consciousness. This is a brief passage, but it can be noticed. Then the body appears. Then suddenly the world appears.

I love the level of surrender that you are reporting. We used to get an idea of how we want our life to be and then we try to force life to be how we want it. We resist what is and try to bend life into our personal concept of life. We think that we are this independent entity and then try to get people to agree with our concept. When there is disagreement, there is usually fighting about it. All the while, life is passing and offering you everything. I wonder how it would be to be totally free of "me?"

This perception of yourself, as you used to think that you were, is surrendering. You used to believe that you were your thoughts, your emotions and your body. This preoccupation can only continue as long as you feed it. You have stopped feeding your mind and the related emotions. Now, simply wait and see without expectation, the destiny of this life.

Let the clouds of emotion pass by. The sky doesn't care about the passing clouds. You are the sky. You are not an individual looking up at the sky, you are the sky looking down at the appearance of body (ultimately, that isn't even true!). You are the sky of being. Isn't that beautiful?! This is a great contemplation for you as you sit restfully in the wilderness.

If suffering does begin to rise, it is a signpost that you are out of the moment. Stop for a moment and be vigilant to this flame in your heart. If you are looking to any past moment and trying to heal it, you are missing right now, where you are already whole, radiant and complete. If you are glancing to the future, where you hope to get such and such, in order to be happy, you are missing right now, which is always offering supreme happiness and the deepest joy of human experience. Often this game of past projecting a future will squeeze the moment of now out of conscious existence; well out of perception. The only place where true life takes place is right now. A life lived in the now is filled with joy and adventure. It is time to stop practicing for life. You can't practice for life. Live is right now. If you are practicing, you are not truly living.

So on this trip, instead of watching your mind be acutely present with whatever is. That attention stills compulsive thinking. While you are driving, notice an apple dangling on a tree that you are passing by; an apple on a sturdy, well rooted tree that bends with the wind; or a pretty crystal hanging from the rear view mirror in the car in front of you; every facet reflects the light. Concurrently, you are in devotion to that which does not move and that which is eternally present. Just let the Flame of Being burn naturally in your heart … as it always is. Awakening can be an ease of recognition. If you look directly, you will notice that life is now and that is is just naturally so. Wherever you are, the Flame is burning.

There are many great insights and profound experiences on this path, but to try to recreate them is a mistake. These revelations are part of that which comes and goes. Just let them go without the effort of holding on. When you are holding on, you miss it. Or maybe, you are contemplating a past, painful loss. Let the experience pass by without the fixation, preoccupation, compulsion and obsession. Instead, sit in not knowing, grounded in the now, Flame burning. Be true to That. Be That.

Have a wonderful trip. What an adventure. It is a blessing to see this willingness to surrender.

Katie Davis Website: