Monday, November 30, 2009

Prior to Consciousness, Evolution, Wild Love ~ Katie Davis, Author, "Awake Joy"

Prior to Consciousness, Evolution and Wild Love
By Katie Davis, Author

I am sharing a photo that I took at a Maui beach a couple evenings ago, so that you might appreciate its beauty and sacredness. This beauty does not need to be understood. In fact, if you bring the mind to a sunset or even to this photo, you are likely to miss its multi-dimensional depth altogether.
The photo may be more appreciated by those who have experienced these golden sunsets, when we can only softly murmur “beautiful …” or simply smile in knowing gratitude. Because a sunset is perceivable by the senses, we describe it as real and perhaps have some sort of mutual understanding.
For someone who is blind and without the gift of eyesight, the affinity is obviously less tenable. Similarly, to speak of the lovely fragrance of a rose would be essentially meaningless to someone who has never smelled one. Just as when I speak of the great silence within, if it has never been encountered, some still take little notice and therefore consensus is as yet  a latent possibility.
The Heart of pure beingness is not perceivable to the senses, so the mind and especially the ego would likely label who I am as unreal. Further, it has not been experienced and never will be. Nonetheless, I can be realized.
It seems very popular right now to speak of evolution, yet it seems a distraction to the  ultimate task at hand and nothing to do with either enlightenment or Self-realization. While I am not a scientist who could study these matters and this is not to be taken as a theory for or against evolution, I can only say that the ego would love this idea, since it could measure the evolved over the un-evolved.
Can we see that evolution is progression and a future fixation? Are you really going to wait for the evolution of the species that might take eons? “Yes,” replies the ego, “This is very good indeed.”
Are you still holding to the hundredth monkey theory that “everyone else” can do the work and you will simply fall in? The essential truth is already here and now.
Evolution appears and happens to form. Form is a dream, whether within DNA or otherwise. Are you waiting for the evolution of a dream? Do you wait for your nighttime dreams to evolve? No, you wake up.
If you are speaking of the evolution of consciousness, it does not need to be other than it is. Where you are looking from becomes the key to the dissolution of the apparent altered states of consciousness.
 Through spiritual awakening, many are discovering that the world perceived by the senses is unreal and no more than a dream. We are then awake to the dream of form. Fewer have realized that the body called “you” is also part of the dream and that “you” are not the dreamer!
Sundance and I are in a new research study group of scientists. Before our meeting them, one had conducted an experiment and accidentally discovered that the result of their experiment varied. Without watching, the result was one way and when watched, the result changed. In other words, the attention of the observer changes the observed. This has dynamically shifted their scientific research from the object observed to the inner science of the subject. Here, the scientist and the spiritualist begin meeting.
The very fact that the object observed is impermanent and changes with attention points to the unreality of the dream of form. It is hardly fixed and never free of change. In other words, the dream is malleable. One does not need to change anything within the dream. It is through attention alone that the objects within the dream change.
This is similar to what we share with those who are awakening. There is a harmonizing and unifying factor between the witness and what we previously defined as the person. That factor is the power of consciousness. Through attention, the person and the life situation effortlessly transform without “doing” anything within the dream. The transformation happens by itself according to who is looking.
The question remains who is the subject? Who is watching? Who are you? If the attention is still from a reference point within an altered state of consciousness, the dream appears accordingly with indications of limitation, separation, causality (time) and suffering.
However, if one is willing to be patient and continue the deeper inquiry with attention turned inward, the mirror of the mind is clarified and it becomes free of all apparent altered states of consciousness. A clear mirror is able to “receive” the “light” and becomes illuminated and therefore capable of reflecting pure consciousness; made possible by the perfection of the Heart.
The question is, is there a subject? In enlightenment, both subject and object disappear and we realize who we are prior to consciousness. So obviously, this is not a conscious experience, since it is beyond the field of attention, and is the realization of Non-duality. When consciousness reappears, it is wise love.
On the other hand, Self-realization is complete integration with form, free of all reference points altogether and still free of duality. As the Heart, I am not a Source from which all else flows. I am That which makes the immense field of pure consciousness possible, within which all limited reference points are contained or superimposed, whether presently perceived to be real or unreal. The Heart is beyond all and without contradiction is All. There is no "all else." Only I am.
Every day, I write all these words to point to the great silence and yet in this reality, words do not really matter much. They just flow through consciousness like a river, while we attend. Words are only symbols and always point to their essence. Still, they carry the scent of the great silence. Are you sensing it?
One could say that true compassion is writing and its prayer is to elevate all suffering. In case you have not heard the good news, perfect peace is available to every human being and not reserved for a fortunate few.
Simplicity, clarity, immeasurable love and utter fearlessness are available through direct Self-realization. Of course these too are only words and until their essence has been directly realized, the enormity of the impact cannot be understood.
Meanwhile, my only purpose is to point to what genuinely is and humbly suggest where to look. It then requires earnestness in noticing, so that the false is encountered, surrendered and the realization is direct.
There are no obstacles to realizing who you already are, just false ideas, and when you bring them into the powerful field of attention, they surrender on their own accord. In surrender, wise love consciously emerges with greater intensity and immensity, until it is realized that love is the only omnipotent power in the universe.
I am also here to help guide and support the art of stabilizing this spiritual realization in consciousness, so that there is no gap between that which has been realized and everyday living. We shift from reaction to compassionate response that honors life with kindness, patience, generosity, selfless service and understanding.
This wild love is active, integrated and functional and incidentally madly uncontrollable.

Free videos and downloads at the Katie Davis Website:

The book, "Awake Joy" at Katie's Awake Books

"Awake Joy" at Amazon

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Part 1 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London, with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (9 minutes)

Katie Davis is Author of Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment

Katie Davis Website

Free Video Library 

Part 2 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London, with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (8 minutes)

Katie Davis Website

Free Awakening Video Library

Part 3 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London , with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (9 minutes)

Katie Davis Website:

Katie Davis YouTube Channel:

Free Awakening Videos www/

Part 4 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London, with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (9 minutes)

Katie Davis Website

Katie Davis YouTube Channel

Free Awakening Videos Library 

Part 5 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (8 minutes)

Katie Davis Website

Katie Davis YouTube Channel

Free Awakening Videos Library

Part 6 of 6 ~ Katie Davis on ConsciousTV, London with Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

On Conscious TV in London, England, Renate McNay interviews Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" on spiritual awakening, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. Iain McNay is producer of ConsciousTV. (7 minutes)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Consciousness, the Waking Dream, Multiple Universes and Self-Realization by Katie Davis, Author, "Awake Joy"

Consciousness, the Waking Dream, Multiple Universes and Self-Realization by Katie Davis, Author, "Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment"

That which is perceivable is born of pleasure or pain, whereas the Heart and the illumined mind’s pure consciousness display as a wise love and a certain charity for life, while transcending the dual opposites of the pleasure-pain cycle.

The altered state of consciousness (ego) changes along with its perceived conditions and only experiences its own judgment. That judgment is either based on past experience or an imagined future. The reaction varies according to the mind’s desire for pleasure or fear of pain based on its delusion of separation.

The egoic “I” and its body are time and therefore cannot be conscious of the formless and timeless now. Egoic “I” as identity is the obstruction.

Ego can become sort of present with the content of the present moment which is an important first step. Yet the body as identity cannot step out of space and time. You are not in space and time. They are within you.

What is independent of time is beyond the mind, its consciousness and remains uncreated and changeless; pure potentiality.

The consciousness of change points to the fact that you are already changeless; just as the consciousness of thought, emotion, the body, mental images, physical energies, memory, cognition, perception and evermore subtle layers of the intellect imply that you are beyond all of them.

Some say that when the mind dissolves that "nothing" remains and yet nothing also depends on “something.” It is another concept imposed by the divided mind before its dissolution. Nothing is dependent on the memory of something.

Are you losing your mind?

No, all that dies is its idea of separation as identity and therefore the end of suffering.

Pure Beingness is independent from that which is definable and altogether free of existence ...  yet identical and the same!

Consciousness also comes and goes, while Pure Awareness alone "shines."

However this word "awareness" is used by many and one can never be certain when it is used, where the word is truly pointing or where "you think" that it is pointing. It always depends upon who is looking. Are we speaking of the physical eye's attention that is the person, or the watcher that is the self-observer, or the field of attention of the witnessing consciousness, or is it beyond all?

I suppose we could speak of who I am as Pure I or the Heart, yet being indescribable, any word falls short.

Simply put, I am beyond all and without contradiction all of the above.

When one's identity is based solely on the person, there is consciousness, the "I am" that is existence and this existence is still witnessed. Witnessing is the subtle fabric of the mind and disappears with all its objects.

The witness is still within duality and hence we have this sense of being “between two worlds” that appears after complete and spontaneous detachment; formlessness that is separate from all form and still unity consciousness.

This separation ceases in Non-duality and the fully integrated life of Self-realization.

Being-consciousness-bliss depends upon “one another,” as well as upon the Supreme Reality.

In the Non-dual reality, all is real whether in movement or motionless, yet it is only the mind that moves creating the illusion.

For the "aspirant," it must be understood that virtually nothing that can be perceived or conceptualized can be who you are.

That which is witnessed is the mind's imagination and you will find that this is based on either the mind’s fear or desire.

The daytime dream is just that … a dream … it has continuity solely due to memory. Just like your nighttime dreams, you can wake up.

Within consciousness, there are infinite universes and when you realize that you are that which makes all possible (including the mind’s consciousness), you may experience any of these real/unreal dimensions, whenever they happen or appear.

They are just as real/unreal as your present daytime dream. Some are denser and others illuminated with more light, such as when only wise love prevails or when they are free of judgment and therefore negativity.

Each operates under different “universal” laws. Once again, by trial and error, these laws reveal themselves.

Could it be possible that we never step into the same river twice?

Are the laws that we have learned and been conditioned to believe for this “dimension” that we call “earth and universe” truly steadfast and “universal” or is it just that we believe in those limitations and mind structure?

Alas! First things first, before the adventures begin!

May I repeat and profoundly stress that as alluring as this might be for the mind and its consciousness, you are never anything that you can perceive!

This requires that you to step out of the tiny boat of personal identity that is the body limitation with its given name for an address. We lose nothing. We shift in identity only.

Nothing you perceive is your own.

First is the great disappearance of the universe. Then, when the consciousness of the illumined mind is pure and the world reappears, nothing is the same.

While extraordinary or dumbfounding, visions are essentially meaningless. You know who is calling you back!

Who are you really is the only essential question.

The invitation is to contemplate this and examine carefully so that this is realized directly.

 Nothing of true value can come from the impermanent “outside.”

You are only limited by the perception of yourself and the body is only another object seeming to appear in the ever changing field of consciousness.

I merely make all things possible, including nothing.

The only thing required is to be aware of being and all will be effortlessly revealed.

Apply the Self-inquiry question, “Who am I?” each time the compulsive, altered state of consciousness projects towards its sense objects and refuses to remain as the resting power that is the witness. This is not immediate! Persistence is required.

Self-inquiry is successful!

Where is “I” arising from?

Even here as the witness, you will disappear, so continue the Self-inquiry as the altered states of consciousness dissolve and the mirror of the mind gains perfect clarity and therefore a perfect reflection.

Finally, attend satsang with a “realized teacher.”

I believe the analogy used by many is that a wet log is nearly impossible to light with a single match, yet when you drop it into a roaring fire, it readily ignites. You will notice that for weeks after satsang the intensity seems to increase. One fine day, it will never again diminish. Yet, this too is a misperception.

The sun remains as brilliant on a cloudy day as when the sky is blue.

Satsang is not the entire answer. Awareness of being as an all day-long movement meditation, Self-inquiry and satsang, intensives or longer silent retreats are simple answers.

Further, once all of the wrong ideas are removed, what remains is Truth and the talks offered during satsang assist this right understanding, while silently burning tendencies.

While you cannot know who you are, since you are beyond the mind and its cognition, you can learn all that you are not and once directly encountered and spontaneously surrendered, what remains is who you really are.

However once again, if the one who is pointing is only half way up the mountain, detours and dead ends are likely. Nonetheless, when you are ready, the “appropriate teacher” finds you and conditions appear without seeking, evaluation and choice.

Everywhere you are is perfection.

It all happens by itself.

Deeply contemplate each of these paragraphs over time and when appropriate. The timeless has no issue with time.

I am not asking you to philosophize, agree, disagree or “do” anything. That would be counterproductive. Contemplation is meditation and deep noticing.

What seems to be true right now may in fact be false later. So we crystallize nothing and change nothing.

No one arrives anywhere.

Teen Journey ~ Who Are You? ~ Dare to Find Out? ~ Vancouver BC - Katie Davis Blog: AwakebyKatie

Please help spread the word about this beautiful program out of Vancouver BC for youth and teens ages 12-19 or contact Andrew Rezmer of Conscious Living Radio. Who are you? Dare to find out?

Teen Journey

Katie Davis Website

Katie Davis Blog: AwakebyKatie

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Does Ignorance Truly Exist or Is There Only Inattention? by Katie Davis

When someone inquires about ignorance, I will generally ask them to inquire first, who is ignorant?

They are not realizing that they are imposing the concept of ignorance over the present state of their thoughts and emotions. However, if they are willing to truly examine the thoughts or feelings each time the negativity arises, they discover that there is no such thing as ignorance; only inattention.

In the very moment that they are willing to be curious enough to look directly, it brings to light what worries them. Attention is all that is required. I am not proposing any action; only simple attention. After all, worry is a form of pain and one cannot deny that the pain is calling for attention. In the instant of merely shifting their attention, the call for attention ceases and the question of ignorance dissolves.

Whatever your question or worry may be, instead of waiting for the answer, find out who is asking the question and what is making it arise. You find of course that it is the mind that is asking the question and that it is demonstrating its fear of pain.

In fear there is memory and anticipation; that is past and future. Attention will bring you back to the present, the now, and presence is a state that is forever at hand, but rarely even noticed. The worry or anxiety cannot prevail in presence of now. Emotional pain is resistence born of the mind's time.

Katie Davis Website

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Part 1 of 6 Sundance Burke on ConsciousTV Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 1 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment and Self-realization.

Conscious TV www.Conscious.TV

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate, comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Part 2 of 6 Sundance Burke on ConsciousTV Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 2 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment advaita and Self-realization.

Conscious TV www.Conscious.TV

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate, comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Part 3 of 6 Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit on ConsciousTV Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 3 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment and Self-realization.

Conscious TV www.Conscious.TV

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Part 4 of 6 Sundance Burke on ConsciousTV Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 4 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment and Self-realization.

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate, comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Part 5 of 6 Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit, on Conscious TV Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 5 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment and Self-realization.

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate, comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Part 6 of 6 Sundance Burke on ConsciousTV in London, Interviewed by Iain McNay

Part 6 of 6 ~ Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" is interviewed by Iain McNay on ConsciousTV in London during his latest satsang tour to the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada on spiritual awakening, Non-duality, enlightenment and Self-realization.

Conscious TV www.Conscious.TV

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate, comment at YouTube.

Katie Davis YouTube Channel
If you would like to help, please view, rate and comment at YouTube.

Free Awakening Video's at the Sundance Burke Website

Katie Davis, Author, Awake Joy and Sundance Burke, Author, Free Spirit on ConsciousTV, London with Iain and Renate McNay, Produced by Iain McNay

Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy" and Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit" are interviewed by Iain and Renate McNay of ConsciousTV in London, England, during their latest satsang tour on the mainland U.S., Europe, England and Canada.

This spontaneous interview is entitled "Presence" and shares spiritual awakening, Non-duality, Advaita, Self-realization and enlightenment.

We invite your comments and sharing.

Enjoy more ConsciousTV videos at www.Conscious.TV

Katie Davis YouTube channel at
If you feel moved to help, at YouTube, we invite your views, ratings, comments and sharing them with others.

Free Videos at Katie Davis Free Video Library at:

Sundance Burke YouTube Channel at

Satsang in Haiku, Maui, Hawaii ~ Katie Davis, Sundance Burke ~ Maui Satsang

Spirit of Aloha Oceanfront Botanical Gardens, Satsang with Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy: The Essence of Enlightenment" and Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit: A Guide to Enlightened Being.

Deepest gratitude to Swaroop and Meenakshi for hosting a magnificent evening of satsang at the secluded and heavenly Spirit of Aloha Oceanfront Botanical Gardens in Haiku on Maui in Hawaii.

We are grateful to all who attended and contributed to this lovely evening of grace and gratitude.

For those who did not hear of the gathering, please be sure to join our mailing list at The mailing list only publishes once a month when you receive your free copy of the Friends of the Heart Newsletters with articles by Katie Davis and Sundance Burke on awakening, satsang, enlightenment, Non-duality, Advaita and Self-realization. We always include announcements for our upcoming events. You will be sure to be notified of our next Maui Satsang.

Whenever we are not traveling on a satsang tour, we meet weekly in satsang with the ohana on Maui. We have just returned from a tour that began last July to the mainland U.S, Europe, England and Canada. We will be on Maui until the end of February.


Private Satsang with Katie Davis or Sundance Burke
November 24-February 8
In person on Maui or worldwide by phone or Skype

Magnificence! Maui Silent Retreat and Satsang
February 11-16, Beautiful Spa Estate
Affordable Luxury, Tranquility, Relaxation, Deep Stillness, Self-inquiry
Program, Accommodations and Registration:

Maui Satsang Hosts:

If you would like to offer your location for satsang on Maui, please contact:


Love, Aloha and Gratitude ~ We are so happy to be home to paradise!

~ Katie Davis

Katie Davis Website

Free videos, free downloads, free e-books, Katie Davis Satsang Schedule